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Product Lines

The PHYTO 5® Phyto-Energetic™ line is formulated with blends of natural essential oils to make the products energetic. It includes five sub-lines for each of the 5 aspects (or elements) of vital energy according to Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM).

In TCM, all skin conditions are attributable to an energetic imbalance of one or more of the Five Elements that constitute vital energy. Consequently, PHYTO 5® includes five elemental lines, each named for one of the 5 elements and formulated to re-balance the energies of that element. For example, the Metal line is the answer to the skin conditions attributed to an imbalance of Metal energy (see below).

For ease of identification, each elemental line is color coded by the color of the element it belongs to, and it features the distinctive Chinese character of the element
  • Wood line For Wood conditions: Green
  • Fire line For Fire conditions: Red
  • Earth line For Earth conditions: Yellow
  • Metal line For Metal conditions: Blue
  • Water line For Water conditions: Violet
For balanced skin, use the elemental line of the energetic season.

The energetic products have been tested with specialized equipment to measure vital energy before and after product application. Their vital-energy balancing properties are well proven in practice as well.

5 Elements and their corresponding skin conditions:
  1. Wood imbalance usually manifests as: Oily skin, blackheads, hyper-pigmentation, and issues of vital energy circulation
  2. Fire imbalance usually manifests as: Redness, irritated, sensitive, blotchy or allergic skin, excessive heat and perspiration, couperose, and issues of red blood (arterial) circulation
  3. Earth imbalance usually manifests as: Blemishes, toxicity, acne, psoriasis, enlarged pores, and lymph circulation problems
  4. Metal imbalance usually manifests as: Dry skin, surface flakiness, dull and lifeless skin, and issues of blue blood (venous) circulation
  5. Water imbalance usually manifests as: Dehydration, lack of tone, wrinkles, and issues of water circulation (water retention)
Products are made energetic from proprietary blends of high grade essential oils.
Phyto5  Phyto-Energetic

® A registered trademark of LABORATOIRE GIBRO SA. ™ A trademark of LABORATOIRE GIBRO SA. All rights reserved.